When we are feeling secure and grounded we are able to come in to movement, access the flow of our lives and move forward with purpose. When we are fearful, we have a tendency to resist what is which leads only to stagnation and more fear.

In the video below I would like to introduce you to a yoga flow that encourages

Then we we will come into a short meditation around a Sanskrit mantra from Deepak Chopra’s ‘Seven Spiritual Laws for Success’: OM DAKSHAM NAMAH. This mantra inspires maximal reward for minimal effort meaning, when we are truly in the flow of our soul purpose, life seems to carry us along in its current. Again, when we are resisting, we push the river and the struggle ensues.

When we are living from our heart – sharing the unique gifts we have each come here to share, it will be an experience of flow and ease.

Affirmation: Stable and in the flow, I embrace my soul purpose.