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These are a few of the sounds you may be making as we move into Spring.  In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) this is the season of the Liver.  If you are experiencing any of the issues below, though they can occur at any time of year, they may be more pronounced as we move into this time frame.

Headaches/ body aches and pains:  In TCM language, we would call this STAGNATION SYMPTOMS – pain that feels like pressure, tightness or restriction.

Muscle Stiffness: The Liver and its associated system, the Gallbladder (the Yin and the Yang) bring nourishment to the body’s connective tissue including tendons, muscles and ligaments. If you are feeling more tension and tightness this is often believed to be arthritic symtoms when it could well be a sign of Liver imbalance. These feelings may feel exaggerated as we move into spring.

Feelings of anger: This is the emotion associated with the Liver – and while occasional bouts of anger are to be expected – kind of like a release valve- more frequent outbursts can suggest that the Liver is overtaxed.

Irritation/Frustration: These two emotions are associated Gallbladder imbalances and go hand-in-hand with the physical stagnation that can take place causing a feeling of ‘stuck-ness.’ You may feel yourself clenching your jaws more than normal, stiffness in the shoulder muscles, etc.

Feelings of anger: This is the emotion associated with the Liver – and while occasional bouts of anger are to be expected – kind of like a release valve-  more frequent outbursts can suggest that the Liver is overtaxed.  The Gallbladder kicks in with the feelings of frustration.

Digestive upsets: For our digestive system to run smoothly, the Liver needs to maintain a balanced flow and consistent movement throughout the body. Add to this the brain-gut connection and if you are more more stressed out than usual, the digestive function takes a hit as well.  KEY HERE:  Don’t eat when you are angry or upset – turn OFF the TV (especially if you are watching the news).

Vision/Eye imbalances:  The sense organ relating to the Liver is the eyes.  Any issue here is typically attributed at least in part to a Liver imbalance. This includes poor vision as well as eye pain and fatigue and dry eyes.

Acupressure can come to the rescue in many of these imbalances. There are two key points that can be used to address  many of the issues listed above. They are LV (Liver) 3 and LI (Large Intestine) 4 and are referred to as the ‘Four Gates’.

LV (LIVER) 3:  located on foot between first and second toes in front of bone convergence. This is the source point of the Liver meridian – like a ‘hub’ – where primordial qi (source of life) from particular organs gathers to be distributed throughout the rest of the body.  This is a ‘go-to’ point any time of year to release stagnation throughout the body and because of it’s connection with spring, even more so now. Press often and firmly.:)

LI (LARGE INTESTINE ) 4: located in the webbing between the thumb and index finger, with pressure slightly up underneath bone of index finger. (Do not use when pregnant – can induce labor.)This point is helpful for allergies, headaches, hay fever, and general pain in upper body.


Some other tips for a healthy Liver:

* Consider a cleanse (check with your doctor) or at least add sipping lemon water to your schedule every morning and even throughout the day.  Lemon helps to not only cleanse our system and remove toxins, it also alkalizes the body, a key component of good health.

* Limit intake of unhealthy fats as this puts a lot of stress on both the liver and the gallbladder.

* Increase consumption of fresh leafy greens, fruits and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) – and organic whenever possible.  Also fruits that are high in fiber such as apples and pears.

* Dandelion tea would also be a nice addition as it helps to detox the body and promote bile production.

* STRETCH & BREATHE!! Consider practicing yoga & meditation to release pent up anger and frustration. (Click here for class schedule or to learn more about sage butterfly yoga.) Also, get out in the fresh air and nature daily even for a few minutes to ground and refresh your spirit.

* Do your best to not SIT too much. This not only affects our digestive system, but also our lymph system.  If you are in a desk job and/or have a long commute or many hours in your car, schedule some time every hour to stand up and move around. This is absolutely essential for the health of our whole being – not just the liver.

****  And lastly, and perhaps most importantly (in any season), stop long enough several times a day to notice the miracles within and around you – everything from the blossoming of the trees (and your ability to see them), to the sound of the birds singing (and your ability to hear them) and your heart beating and connecting you to this amazing gift of Life.  Now. And now. And now…

Chakra Balancing Meditation to Release Feelings of Anger

We can hold anger in any of our energy fields for various reasons, for instance, in our throat chakra if we feel unheard or stuck as far as self-expression. Or in our heart chakra if we are having a difficult time either giving or receiving love. Each of the fields can become blocked due to these emotional states. This meditation will help to alleviate the stagnation and invite in a free flow of energy from root to crown.

Chakra Balancing to Release Anger


When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. – Jimi Hendrix

This is a quote that I am sharing in my yoga classes as we enter the realm of Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra. This energy field represents and manifests courage, confidence and inner power.

Though to fully experience a sense of power, it must be understood that TRUE power comes from a place of inner peace, NOT force.  It comes from an understanding that each of us shoulders a burden that might not be readily apparent to the physical eye and therefore encourages patience and a sense of equanimity. It comes from a deep spirit of compassion and realization of our Oneness with ALL Beings.

It’s no coincidence that this article is being written as many the world over mourn the death of Cecil, the beloved lion who made his home in a national park in Zimbabwe. Cecil brutally lost his life to be mantled on a trophy hunter’s wall. The tears that come when I even ponder this cruelty must now be transmuted into knowing that Cecil gave his life to raise the consciousness of our world.

The number of posts around the globe, the millions who are not only saddened but horrified at this action reveals to me that the hearts of the majority of us sharing this beautiful planet are in alignment. BUT we must now come together and allow the energy to exponentially bring peace to a planet that is experiencing violence and despair at levels perhaps greater than ever before.

So what can we do? We can come into our own peaceful inner power. We can stand up for what is right. We can honor our brothers and sisters on the path – of EVERY species. Not through force, but through example.

The energy in our hearts is strong enough to move mountains. Believe in this. Believe in the quote that Jimi Hendrix shared so many years ago.

Here also is a mantra that says it all:

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Translated: May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all. (

Below you can listen to the fabulous Deva Premal & Miten share this beautiful mantra.
Namasté.” target=”_blank”>Deva & Miten



But How Do I DO That?

“Surrender” is rather the buzz word these days and I understand why. Attachments are cumbersome and limiting and often painful.

And I have heard others as well as myself express it THIS way:
“I am trying to surrender.”

But wait …. think about that. TRYING to surrender? If there is a spiritual oxymoron, that would be it. The whole gift of the process is negated when you have to TRY.

So I had a little conversation with the Angelic Realm. It went like this:


Their answer…”Let Go.”

My reply: HOW DO I DO THAT?

Their answer…”Trust.”

My reply (no surprises here): HOW DO I DO THAT??

Their answer…”Practice. NOW… and now… and now… and now… until you don’t need to anymore.

Then I thought, “OK. There’s a plan. Not sure what that last part meant, but at least I have a road map. And THEN as I pondered further, it all made sense to me. THERE REALLY IS NOTHING TO LET GO OF. We are all intrinsically connected throughout time to EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. We are pure consciousness. We are pure energy. We never ‘lose’ anything.

It felt like a fresh breeze on a Spring day…

Join me if you choose in saying, “Ahhhhhhhh…… I know I AM:
One in Spirit.
One in Love.
One with ALL. ”

I ‘surrender’ to this.

– Maureen
